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Time Tracking for Marketing Agencies: 6 Best Tools for Maximizing Performance

Maria Kharlantseva, April 4, 2024
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In the world of marketing agencies, every minute counts. Time tracking isn’t just a helpful tool; it’s a necessity for ensuring productivity, accurate billing, and efficient project management. Marketing professionals juggle numerous tasks simultaneously, from client meetings and campaign brainstorming to content creation and performance analysis. In this competitive landscape, time tracking for marketing agencies isn’t merely about logging hours; it’s about maximizing efficiency, meeting deadlines, and delivering exceptional results. Let’s delve into the significance of time tracking and explore the best practices tailored specifically for marketing agencies to thrive in today’s dynamic industry.

Why Use Time Tracking Tools for Marketing Firms?

In the fast-paced world of marketing, where deadlines loom large and creativity is constant, employing time tracking tools is not just beneficial; it’s essential for maximizing efficiency and profitability. Here’s why marketing firms should embrace these tools:

  1. Resource optimization: Digital marketing time tracking tools provide invaluable insights into how resources are allocated across various projects and tasks. By identifying bottlenecks and optimizing resource allocation, marketing firms can ensure that their teams are working on the right tasks at the right time.
  2. Accurate billing: With marketing agency time tracking solutions, marketing firms can accurately capture billable hours spent on client projects. This not only ensures fair and transparent billing but also helps in justifying costs to clients by providing detailed breakdowns of work performed.
  3. Project management: Marketing agency project and time tracking tools serve as centralized platforms for managing projects, allowing teams to track progress, set milestones, and collaborate effectively. This fosters better project management practices, leading to improved project delivery and client satisfaction.
  4. Performance evaluation: By tracking the time spent on different tasks, marketing firms can evaluate individual and team performance objectively. This data-driven approach enables managers to identify top performers, address productivity issues, and provide targeted training where needed.  
  5. Data-driven decision making: Advertising agency time tracking tools generate valuable data that can be analyzed to identify trends, optimize processes, and make informed business decisions. Whether it’s adjusting project timelines, reallocating resources, or refining workflows, data-driven insights empower marketing firms to stay competitive in a constantly evolving landscape.

Everhour is the top choice for small businesses and small to mid-size teams of 5 to 50 members, including professionals like software developers, marketers, designers, consultants, lawyers, you name it!

Seamlessly integrating with popular project management tools like Asana, Trello, and Jira, its user-friendly interface and customizable reports make it the ultimate time tracking solution for small and mid-size teams.

With dedicated support ensuring you receive timely assistance, our team is here to help you promptly and with a smile!

Key Features of Time Tracking Software for Marketing Agencies

🕒 Project-based tracking: The ability to track time spent on individual projects and tasks, allowing marketing teams to allocate resources effectively and monitor project progress in real-time.

📊 Client billing: Marketing agency time tracking software should have seamless integration with billing systems to accurately capture billable hours and expenses, generate invoices, and streamline client billing processes.

📝 Task management: Robust task management capabilities, including task creation, assignment, prioritization, and deadline tracking, to ensure efficient task execution and project delivery.

📊 Customizable reporting: Advanced reporting functionalities with customizable templates and real-time analytics, enabling marketing agencies to gain insights into team productivity, project profitability, and resource utilization.

🔌 Integration with project management tools: Integration with popular project management platforms like Asana, Trello, or Monday.com, allowing seamless synchronization of tasks, projects, and time tracking data.

📱 Mobile accessibility: Mobile apps or responsive web interfaces that enable marketers to track time, manage tasks, and view project updates on the go, ensuring productivity and flexibility.

🤝 Collaboration features: Collaboration tools such as comments, file sharing, and activity feeds, facilitating communication and collaboration among team members and clients.

💰 Budget tracking: Budget tracking and forecasting capabilities to monitor project expenses, compare actuals against estimates, and ensure projects stay within budget constraints.

🔔 Automated reminders: Automated reminders and notifications to prompt team members to track their time, submit timesheets, and meet project deadlines.

🖥️ User-friendly interface: Intuitive and user-friendly interface that simplifies time tracking and project management, minimizing training requirements and promoting adoption across the organization.

Please note: We do not accept paid entries for this list.

Time Tracking for Marketing Agencies: Comparison Table

Tool Standout Feature Pricing Free Trial
Everhour Time tracking and project budgeting Free plan and Team plan ($8.50) Yes
Hubstaff URL tracking Starter: $4.99 per user per month
Grow: $7.50 per user per month
Team: $10 per user per month
Enterprise: $25 per user per month
Timely Automated time tracking Starter Plan: $9 per user/per month
Premium Plan: $16 per user/per month
Unlimited Plan: $22 per user/per month
DeskTime URL tracking Pro Plan: €6 per user/month
Premium Plan: €9 per user/month
Enterprise Plan: €18 per user/month
TimeCamp Customizable reporting Free plan, Basic: $6.99 per user per month
Pro: $9.99 per user per month
Enterprise: Custom
Tick Project-based time tracking 30-day free trial
10 Projects: $19 per month
30 Projects: $49 per month
60 Projects: $79 per month
Unlimited Projects: $149 per month

6 Best Time Tracking Apps for Marketing Agencies


Everhour stands out as the premier choice for time tracking for marketing agencies, offering a bespoke time tracker finely tuned to meet the demands of the industry. Crafted with marketing professionals in mind and with lots of tools for time management for marketing agencies, Everhour empowers agencies to effortlessly streamline time tracking procedures, effectively manage projects, and foster seamless team collaboration. With its intuitive design and comprehensive feature set (such as a timesheet app and a work hours tracker), Everhour emerges as the ultimate solution for maximizing productivity and project management efficiency in marketing agencies.

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Key features

🕒 Flexible time tracking: Everhour’s intuitive system enables marketing professionals to seamlessly log hours across various tasks and projects, ensuring precise time monitoring that aligns with the dynamic nature of marketing campaigns and client projects.

📊 Project budgeting and tracking: Everhour empowers marketing agencies to set and monitor project budgets in real-time, ensuring meticulous tracking of expenses and adherence to financial constraints throughout the project lifecycle. This feature enables agencies to optimize budget utilization and maximize profitability.

📝 Task management integration: Everhour seamlessly integrates with popular task management tools like Asana, Notion, Trello, ClickUp, and Monday.com, offering marketers a unified platform to track time directly within their task management workflows. This integration streamlines project coordination and enhances productivity by eliminating the need for manual time tracking.

💼 Client invoicing: Everhour simplifies the client invoicing process for marketing agencies by generating detailed time reports and seamlessly integrating with billing systems like QuickBooks and Xero. This feature ensures accurate client invoicing, enhances financial management, and fosters transparent communication with clients regarding project billing.

📈 Advanced reporting: Everhour provides marketing agencies with advanced reporting features, including customizable reports, visual dashboards, and analytics tailored to their specific needs. These comprehensive reporting tools offer valuable insights into team performance, project profitability, and resource utilization, empowering agencies to make data-driven decisions and optimize project outcomes.


  • Free plan: Everhour offers a free plan with basic time tracking features suitable for individual users or small teams.
  • Team plan: The Team plan is priced at $8.50 per user per month and includes advanced features such as project budgeting, client invoicing, and integrations.

Everhour’s affordable pricing and robust feature set make it an ideal choice for marketing agencies seeking to streamline their time tracking and project management workflows.


Hubstaff is a versatile time tracking and productivity tool suitable for marketing agencies seeking precise insights and streamlined operations. It offers a range of features tailored to enhance productivity and optimize project management workflows.

the ultimate time tracking software list for efficient work management

Key features

🕒 Precise time tracking: Hubstaff’s accurate time tracking methods, including manual entry, GPS tracking, and desktop screenshots, are tailored to meet the specific needs of marketing agencies, ensuring meticulous tracking of billable hours across various client projects.

🔄 Project management integration: Designed with marketing agencies in mind, Hubstaff seamlessly integrates with popular project management tools, allowing users to effortlessly link time tracking directly to specific marketing campaigns, tasks, and client deliverables. This integration streamlines project coordination and enhances accountability within marketing teams.

📍 Location services: With GPS location tracking and geofencing capabilities, Hubstaff offers marketing agencies valuable insights into employee movements, particularly for field-based marketing activities and client meetings. This feature ensures efficient resource allocation and enhances client communication by providing real-time updates on staff availability and location.

🚀 Productivity monitoring: Hubstaff’s activity tracking functionalities are particularly beneficial for marketing agencies, allowing them to monitor employee productivity levels and analyze work patterns to identify areas for improvement. This insight enables agencies to optimize workflows, allocate resources effectively, and deliver exceptional results for clients.

Alerts and reminders: Configurable alerts and reminders in Hubstaff are tailored to support the unique needs of marketing agencies. These features help agencies prevent overtime, ensure compliance with project deadlines, and promote employee well-being by encouraging timely breaks. By maintaining a healthy work-life balance, marketing teams can enhance productivity and creativity, leading to better campaign outcomes.


  • Starter: $4.99 per user per month
  • Grow: $7.50 per user per month
  • Team: $10 per user per month
  • Enterprise: $25 per user per month


Timely offers a suite of features specifically tailored to meet the time tracking needs of marketing agencies, ensuring seamless project management and optimal resource utilization.

the ultimate time tracking software list for efficient work management

Key features

🕒 Automated time tracking: Timely excels in automated time tracking, accurately capturing work hours without the need for manual data entry. This feature streamlines time card management, allowing marketing professionals to focus more on strategic tasks rather than administrative overhead.

📊 Project-centric organization: With Timely, marketing agencies benefit from a detailed and project-focused view of time allocation. This enables precise time card organization, facilitating transparent tracking of billable hours across different client projects and internal tasks.

💬 Real-time collaboration: Timely enables real-time collaboration among team members, ensuring that time card analysis is dynamic and aligned with ongoing project progress. This fosters efficient communication and coordination within marketing teams, enhancing productivity and project outcomes.

🎨 User interface: Praised for its clean, intuitive, and user-friendly interface, Timely makes daily time tracking straightforward for marketing professionals. The intuitive design enhances user adoption and ensures that teams can easily navigate the platform to log and review their time entries.


  • Starter Plan: $9 per user/per month
  • Premium Plan: $16 per user/per month
  • Unlimited Plan: $22 per user/per month


DeskTime serves marketing agencies by offering advanced features tailored to enhance productivity and efficiency. With its URL tracking functionality, DeskTime enables marketers to monitor app and website usage meticulously, helping them identify and minimize distractions. The comprehensive productivity reports provided by DeskTime offer valuable insights into billable and non-billable activities, allowing marketing teams to optimize their time management strategies. Here’s how DeskTime serves the specific requirements of marketing professionals even further.

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Key features

🔗 URL tracking: The desktop version of DeskTime is equipped with advanced URL tracking tools, enabling meticulous monitoring of app and website usage. Marketing agencies can gain valuable insights into digital activities, helping them optimize time allocation and enhance productivity.

📊 Productivity reports: DeskTime offers comprehensive productivity reports that provide valuable insights into billable and non-billable activities. Marketing professionals can track their time effectively, ensuring accurate invoicing and maximizing profitability on client projects.

📝 Project management integration: DeskTime seamlessly integrates project management functionality, allowing marketing agencies to link tracked time directly to specific tasks and clients. This feature enhances project transparency and facilitates efficient resource allocation.


  • Pro Plan: €6 per user/per month
  • Premium Plan: €9 per user/per month
  • Enterprise Plan: €18 per user/per month


TimeCamp proves invaluable for marketing agencies by providing precise time tracking capabilities, enabling teams to monitor their work hours meticulously. It offers project-focused tools, allowing marketers to allocate time efficiently to various projects and tasks. Additionally, TimeCamp’s customizable reporting feature offers comprehensive insights into task completion, project progress, and team efficiency, empowering marketing professionals to make informed decisions and optimize their workflows effectively.

timers for work: efficient ways to stay organized and productive

Key features

🕒 Accurate time tracking: TimeCamp ensures precise time tracking, enabling marketing professionals to monitor work hours effortlessly. Whether manually or through automated tracking, users can clock in and out with accuracy, ensuring transparent time management.

📊 Customizable reporting: Gain valuable insights into work hours with customizable reports tailored for marketing projects. These reports provide a comprehensive view of task completion, project progress, and overall team efficiency, empowering agencies to make data-driven decisions and optimize resource allocation.

💼 Invoicing: Create professional invoices based on tracked time for accurate billing and client management. TimeCamp streamlines the invoicing process, ensuring timely and accurate billing for marketing services rendered.

🔍 Deep work analysis: TimeCamp goes beyond conventional tracking by providing deep insights into team work patterns. Marketing agencies can identify distractions, optimize work routines, and enhance productivity with the comprehensive deep work analysis feature.


  • Free Plan: Enjoy unlimited users, desktop, and mobile apps at $0.
  • Basic Plan: $6.99 per user per month
  • Pro Plan: $9.99 per user per month
  • Enterprise Plan: Custom


Tick is a dedicated solution for time tracking in marketing agencies, offering essential features to boost productivity and project management efficiency. Crafted with marketing professionals in mind, Tick empowers agencies to streamline time tracking processes, effectively manage projects, and enhance team collaboration.

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Key features

🕒 Project-based time tracking: Tick excels in project-based time tracking, enabling detailed and accurate timesheet entries for each project, making it ideal for marketing agencies with diverse project portfolios. 

💰 Budget tracking: Ensure that timesheet entries align with project budgets, facilitating informed decision-making and efficient resource allocation, essential for marketing agencies managing multiple client projects. 

👥 Client tagging and invoicing integration: Easily filter time entries by clients and seamlessly integrate with invoicing systems, ensuring transparent and accurate billing practices tailored for marketing agencies’ client-centric workflows.

📱 Mobile accessibility: Tick offers mobile accessibility, allowing for on-the-go timesheet management, enabling users to track time and manage projects from anywhere, perfect for marketing teams constantly on the move.


  • 30-day free trial
  • 10 Projects: $19 per month
  • 30 Projects: $49 per month
  • 60 Projects: $79 per month
  • Unlimited Projects: $149 per month

Time Tracking for Marketing Agencies: Conclusion

In conclusion, effective time tracking and marketing campaign time monitoring are paramount for the success of marketing agencies, ensuring accurate billing, resource optimization, and project profitability. With a variety of specialized time tracking tools available, such as Everhour, DeskTime, TimeCamp, and Tick, marketing professionals can streamline their workflows, enhance productivity, and gain valuable insights into project performance. 

Everhour stands out as the best option, offering tailored features designed to meet the unique needs of marketing agencies, including precise project-based tracking, seamless integration with project management tools, and customizable reporting capabilities. By choosing Everhour, marketing agencies can elevate their operations, meet client expectations, and achieve greater success in the dynamic and competitive marketing landscape.

Maria Kharlantseva

Maria is a proud content guardian with experience working for international teams and projects of different complexities. Maria has a passion for fantasy novels, music, black-and-white films, and nitpicking (because there is always room for improvement!).