A User-Friendly CSV and XLSX Export of Reports
The Everhour team revamp the export of reports, specifically csv. and xlsx formats, to make it easy for a user to work with them further.
Get Deeper Insights With the New Team Timesheet
New Team Timesheet Dashboard presents better options to analyze the work done by your team and adjust you every piece of work they tracked time for.
Changes to Members Page to Make Staff Management a Breeze
Everhour presents some significant changes to Members page that precede upcoming update of the Team page that aims at making team management a breeze.
A Different Approach to Member Capacity
Everhour shares the idea how we've changed a member capacity and why we finally decided to move it from the schedule settings.
Tailor Everhour to Your Needs on a New Applications Page
Hide some parts of the product that you don't need daily. As a result, your account interface is clean and contains only the tabs you work most of the time.
How To Use Siri to Track Time with Everhour
This artciles tells in details about steps on how to combine Siri with Everhour and use voice commands to start or stop your timer.
Time Without Task: Start Tracking Now and Pick a Task Later
A handy way to track time without choosing a certain task appears in Everhour. This intrinsic element will surely speed up your work!
See Your Activity Faster With Brand New Time Tooltips
Time tooltip is a way to get info on any time entry promptly and in fill. Hover on any entry on Time page to check the brief history.
A Fresh Member Summary with Better Navigation and More Detailed Information
Fresh member summary is at your service letting you to analyze the spent time in an easier way and control the work of your employees.
Locked Time Policy Receives a Prominent Update
Our locked time policy gets some prominent changes: supervisors can't override it, no option to change invoiced time, admins get better view of lock policy.
Everhour Integrates with Zapier: Use It To Automate Your Workflows
Zapier allows you to integrate hundreds of apps with Everhour to make time tracking available across many other platforms.
Schedule Page Gets Some Polish
The latest improvements of Everhour schedule design is here. There is a bunch of useful stuff like assignment creation, new float navigation and many more!