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Home Tab – the Place to See Team’s Progress at a Glance

January 26, 2018

A new wonderful enhancement for admins and supervisors today is called Home Tab. This is a kind of team summary to check the progress at a glance.

The page consists of 3 parts.

home tab – the place to see team’s progress at a glance

Timesheet Widget

This is a table with a team timesheet showing past and this week (excludes the time of deactivated members). We highlight data in cells to facilitate the process of reading when a team has 10 and more members.

No highlight appears if the time reported is less or equal to 6 hours. Green signifies everything is OK when a user reported between 6 and 9 hours. Yellow marks slight overtime when logs show between 9 and 14 hours. Lastly,  when you see more than 14 hours reported, we highlight it in red.

Admins may click on any cell with data to see details or adjust hours and add missing time for other members if the cell is empty. It is even possible to track time for the future date providing you switch this option on in the Team Settings.

Supervisors also see all team members there. However, they don’t see members’ time when members track it in a project a supervisor doesn’t have access to. Instead, they will see an empty cell or cell with partial hours that are reported in projects, open to both a member and a supervisor.

Projects Widget

It displays the reported time of top 15 projects (from the biggest hours number to the lowest). There is a split in billable and non-billable time which allows an admin to see any delay in working on billable projects. Supervisors see just total hours. The period is the same as for a Timesheet Widget which is last and this week.

Members Widget

This is a list with members names and their hours, also split in billable and non-billable.

As always, we welcome your comments below the article! We are ready to listen to any piece of feedback to make this tab even better.


Waclaw helps Everhour users to get answers to questions they might have. Being a father of two boys, I know that you need to be patient and thorough in explanation. I like to read books and watch (play occasionally) football games.