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Add and Edit Comments on Your Timesheet

November 11, 2019

Users can now view, post, and edit comments in their Timesheet tab like it is possible on a List view.

add and edit comments on your timesheet

How to Comment on Your Timesheet

Edit comments feature is available not only for you in your personal Timesheet but also in a Team Timesheet view for Admins.

add and edit comments on your timesheet

Once you click on a timesheet cell the quote icon will show up on the left. In order to add or edit comments for the hours reported in that cell, you will need to hit the icon and will be able to add or adjust, remove comments in the popped-up text area.

add and edit comments on your timesheet

Make sure to check out our article on the best timesheet apps out there to be as knowledgeable on them as we are 😉


Waclaw helps Everhour users to get answers to questions they might have. Being a father of two boys, I know that you need to be patient and thorough in explanation. I like to read books and watch (play occasionally) football games.