Everhour β€Ί Everhour Updates πŸ“’

Notifications About Long-Running Timers And Reminder To Track Time

June 28, 2018

We are thrilled about announcing a series of improvements aiming at making your Everhour experience better.

Specifically, we added browser notifications alerting you about long-running timers as well as starting a timer when you are in the middle of the working day with no time reported.

notifications about long-running timers and reminder to track time

If you are using Mac, you’ll see them under your Notification Center. Looks super awesome! πŸ˜‰

Notifications about Long-Running Timers

There is no more frustration from finding out that you have been tracking time for one task all day when you actually worked on 6 more tasks. You can now set a reminder if the timer runs for 2 hours for one task (or more).

Reminder to Track Time

This is the opposite case when you came to the office and totally forgot you should start a timer. Now Everhour can remind you that you have not tracked a minute for the past hours since you came.

How to Enable Notifications

The first thing to know is that you should enable this for each browser and computer you work on. To do that, go to your Notifications page.

notifications about long-running timers and reminder to track time

Here you press Turn On button, then give the browser permission to send you these notifications and check options under the Reminders section. In the end, please do not forget to save changes.

We support Chrome, Safari and Firefox. When you have blocked notifications for these browsers, please visit their support pages (1, 2, 3) to learn how to unblock them. The URL you should enter is https://app.everhour.com:443.


Waclaw helps Everhour users to get answers to questions they might have. Being a father of two boys, I know that you need to be patient and thorough in explanation. I like to read books and watch (play occasionally) football games.