Google Docs time tracking

Effortlessly track time directly within Google Docs with a single click.
No more tab switching!

Time tracking and estimates inside Google Docs

How to track time in Google Docs with Everhour

  • Step 1: Create an Everhour account

    Sign up for free and install our browser extension. This is how we embed time tracking controls into the Google Docs interface. We support all popular browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge.

  • Step 2: Log in to extension

    Google Docs time tracking extension should now appear in your toolbar. Click on it and login into your Everhour account. Click pin icon to make it visible all the time. This way you can always see if your timer is running or not.

  • Step 3: Grant site access

    You will need to grant our extension access to site. Open Everhour extension and click on the avatar icon to access the Integrations page. Search for Google Docs and enable it.

    everhour google docs time tracking authorize

  • Step 4: Track time inside Google Docs

    You should now see the "Start Timer" button there. Click on it to start the timer. Click the "+" button to add time manually for today or past date.

    everhour google docs time tracking controls

  • Step 5: Review Google Docs time entries

    Head over to to view your time entries. When you track time from Google Docs, we'll copy the document title to the time entry in Everhour, with a link back to the Google Docs document.

    everhour google docs time tracking time page