Project management FAQ

(Hours worked by employee 1) + (hours worked by employee 2) + (add hours worked by additional employees…) = total hours worked per week

(total hours worked per week) / 40 (average working week) = FTE

What is a network diagram in project management?

Wondering what is a project network diagram and how is it used in project management? Let’s unwrap it and get rid of any confusion. A project network diagram is a graph-style visual. This network diagram shows the activities of a project, their duration, tasks, and interdependencies. It is used to illustrate the logical steps between items in a project and their sequence to show how it will all play out in practice.

How can I use a project network diagram?

A network diagram in project management is a helpful tool for clearing up any uncertainties within a project. Not just another piece of paperwork, creating a network diagram is for both project managers and their staff as a marker for the flow of work. It illustrated clearly how a project should progress and identifies if it goes off course.

What is a network diagram example?

The project network diagram commonly uses two types of methodologies. These are:

Arrow diagram method (ADM). In this method, the arrow’s direction represents flow, the length duration, and connection shows dependencies.

Precedence diagram method (PDM) uses boxes, otherwise known as nodes, to show relationships of items within a project. In PDM, arrows represent relationships between coded nodes. For example, FS is finish to start, meaning one activity has to end before another starts. SS is start to start, meaning both activities can start at the same time. SF stands for start to finish. This uncommon rule shows that one activity has to start before another finishes. And finally, FF, which means tasks need to finish together.