
Share to Extend Trial

On the last day of your trial period, ask people either purchase or request to have an account’s expiry date extended in exchange for sharing on Twitter or Facebook

What is it about?

Sometimes the trial period is not long enough for users to see the value you give to their business. There are numerous reasons for this: lack of time, a thick layer of decision makers, waiting for an approval, etc.

A small portion of users will write to ask for a trial extension directly. However, the majority will just be lazy or shy to do this, walk away to your competitor who gives longer trial periods.

One of the solutions is to give them an option to extend a trial automatically in exchange for a tweet/facebook share.

Why to consider?

It’s not a secret that you don’t expect people just write about your product in B2B. While the trial extension kills 2 birds with one stone.

Our stats say that 60% of those who extended a trial via tweet ended up being a paying user. They help us spread the word and ingrain Everhour into their workflow in a deeper way.

Something to read on the topic here.


  • Write a share script. You can check if somebody has already mentioned you, what tweets got the most likes and retweets;
  • Make a dedicated page for users where they appear after a share;
  • Think of what is the best place in the product to put a link to that page;
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